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View Full Version : MSSQL error: Invalid pseudocolumn "$_POST"

01-02-2010, 11:01 PM
I have used MySQL and PHP for sever years with no problems, but this is my first time using MSSQL and PHP and I am having some trouble and can't seem to figure out what is wrong.

When running the follow script/SQL query, I get --> MSSQL error: Invalid pseudocolumn "$_POST"

$server = '***';

$connect = mssql_connect($server, 'sa', '***');

mssql_select_db('db_jobs', $connect);

$sql = 'INSERT INTO tbl_jobs VALUES

$query = mssql_query($sql);

if (!$query)
die('MSSQL error: ' . mssql_get_last_message());

What is the problem?

It goes without saying that I'm able to connect to my server and perform other simple tasks, like create the database and tables using php, but I can't add data using the above script.

01-03-2010, 06:43 PM
$sql = 'INSERT INTO tbl_jobs VALUES

When debugging, print out your strings:

echo $sql;

If you have issues with the above, try swapping the " with ' and vice versa.

I have used MySQL and PHP for sever years with no problems, but this is my first time using MSSQL and PHP and I am having some trouble and can't seem to figure out what is wrong.

When running the follow script/SQL query, I get --> MSSQL error: Invalid pseudocolumn "$_POST"

$server = '***';

$connect = mssql_connect($server, 'sa', '***');

mssql_select_db('db_jobs', $connect);

$sql = 'INSERT INTO tbl_jobs VALUES

$query = mssql_query($sql);

if (!$query)
die('MSSQL error: ' . mssql_get_last_message());

What is the problem?

It goes without saying that I'm able to connect to my server and perform other simple tasks, like create the database and tables using php, but I can't add data using the above script.

01-04-2010, 09:19 AM
replace the ' around the sql statement with ". ' means no parsing of $... inside the text.
also put "" around the inserted variables

01-06-2010, 08:12 AM
Here is the code that resolved my issue:

$sql = 'INSERT INTO tbl_jobs VALUES (';
$sql .= $_POST["company"];
$sql .= ',';
$sql .= $_POST["location"];
$sql .= ',';
$sql .= $_POST["title"];
$sql .= ',';
$sql .= $_POST["desc"];
$sql .= ',';
$sql .= $_POST["exper"];
$sql .= ',';
$sql .= $_POST["edu"];
$sql .= ',';
$sql .= $_POST["link"];
$sql .= ')';

HOWEVER, this now causes a new error which I will post in another post.

01-06-2010, 08:21 AM
I am just amazed at the differences between MSSQL and MySQL when it comes to PHP. Oy!