View Full Version : BackTrack3

l33t p1mp
10-14-2008, 06:30 PM
Is there a way on backtrack3 or vista for when a certain person/computer connects to my network, they get blocked, or booted off? And if so, is it possible to also add a message?

10-14-2008, 09:19 PM
Well, what kind of network is it; ie. wireless, etc?
If wireless, you can set your SSID to display your message. Displaying an SSID is not going to make your network any more hackable, and not displaying one in not going to make less hackable either. Kismet will detect it regardless.
You can also filter MAC addresses to keep unwanted guest out, or you can only issue a certain amount of IP's; ie; if you have 4 computers on your network, make your router only issue 4 IP's..
If your router allows it, you may be able to make it run a script that will display a message to unwanted guests if they try to connect while your router is blocking them from the network by not issuing them a MAC or IP..

Hope this helps


P.S. You shouldn't use BT3 as a main OS for security reasons. Though there are ways of protecting Linux using IPTables, you can write the rc.firewall file yourself and put it in the /etc/rc.d/ folder and make it executable or you can go to this site -->
Slackware Firewall Generator (http://www.slackware.com/~alien/efg/)
That site will generate an rc.firewall file in a text format for you that will be specific for your machine, but you will still have to make it executable using chmod as well as reconfigure some settings in the rc.firewall file it creates to suit your specific needs.
Also, I know this is a Slackware firewall generator, but it will work for BT3 because BT3 is Slax based.
God I love Slackware!

l33t p1mp
10-15-2008, 05:08 PM
Im a gamer, linux will never be main, but always secondary. Thanks for the warning though. Thanks for the help too.

10-25-2008, 10:26 AM
Is there a way on backtrack3 or vista for when a certain person/computer connects to my network, they get blocked, or booted off? And if so, is it possible to also add a message?

sure you could use a captive portal, or you could play around with NAC.

captive portal is easier :)