View Full Version : Looking for People to play on XBL.

09-24-2007, 10:22 PM
my biggest thing about online games, is just people that make the experience miserable, and annoying.
so I've always avoided it, on both PC and the 360.
only game I have played online actively over the years has been Halo 2.
even then, it was only cause I had a few friends that I could play with.
well, either they dont have a 360, or they have moved onto other games.

the other day I got COD4 Beta, and been having alot of fun with that online, and I definatly would like to keep playing it... however, it still has one thing I hate.
people who talk S--T, call everyone names, talk about how everyone in the game sucks, makes fun of everyone and basically just annoys the hell outta you.

the other day, I got Skate, and started playing that online and the first game, first thing I hear... some guy comes in and says "you all suck".

just about every game I played was like this...
people just being dicks really.

again, I hated it just like always.
games online = great.
most gamers online = jerks.

I dont want that, at all.
I dont mind the trash talk, when its called for.
I mean, we are playing call of duty 4, and you knife me, I understand alittle trash talking.
but most people are just rude, mean, call people names, make fun of them, and just about anything else one would not say in real life.

I like playing with mellow cool people.
not people that scream into the mic if you get a head shot off them.
someone who, if your doing team play, doesnt run off and try to play a one man game, then blames everyone else, when they get killed for not watching thier back.

games I'll be playing online currently, or soon -

Call of Duty 3, or 4. (beta currently)
Halo 2, and 3.

09-25-2007, 12:44 PM
I'll be playing H3 in a few days once I get my xbox back from repairs. GT is X Deux X

09-27-2007, 09:53 AM
I play on XBL. I'll pm you my gamer tag a bit later tonight.