View Full Version : [Nintendo-Wii]Resident Evil :" Umbrella chronicles"

09-19-2006, 09:34 AM
My favourite game ever will continue adding new games to the gerne, we know that part 5 of the game is confirmed for the Xbox360 and that they are currentle working hard on it. Good news? Indeed, only not for nintendo fans cause it's for now only xbox360/PS3....However luck seems to be on nintendo side as well.. The rumours goes that the following game is in development....
Read and conclude, as a fan i can only cheer about this ;)

Biohazard Umbrella Chronicles

info 1
In this week's Famitsu magazine, the publication revealed in their Wii section some mention about a new Biohazard game, entitled Biohazard: Umbrella Chronicles. Dubbed as an action game headed by Kawada Masachika, the man who was responsible for the PS2 port of Resident Evil 4, the game's story and characters have yet to be revealed, you can probably take a few guesses as to who's going to show up based on the title of the game.

The article reveals very little about the title, even to suggest that the game will somehow make use of the Wii's remote to manipulate your weapons. I suppose that's something. So far there has been little details about the game so far, and the screenshots that were included with Famitsu's preview make everything even more confusing; one screenshot depicts what seems like an old fashioned dining hall much like the one from the first Resident Evil game, as well as a door that's been blown to bits by some sort of weapon.

More information will most likely be available at the Tokyo Game Show next week, so keep checking back for updates soon!

info 2
It seems that this game will consist of 4 scenarios, set in the Mansion, RPD, Raccoon City steets from RE3, and a village from RE4. It will also explain a lot about Umbrella's demise and its status during RE4.

info 3[/U][/B]
The game consists of 4 "chapters", RE1's mansion, RE2's RPD, RE3's city areas and RE4's village (plus surrounding areas).

Each chapter has 2 characters to choose from. RE1 has Jill and Chris, RE2 has Leon and Claire, RE3 has Jill and Carlos and RE4 has Leon and Ada.

There are several characters that can be unlocked by playing through the game: Rebecca Chambers, Hunk and Albert Wesker.

The gameplay of all chapters is designed around RE4's. Press the B trigger on the wiimote to go into over-the-shoulder view, aim with the pointer and press A to fire.

The game will have QTEs, but rather than push buttons you have to make motions with the wiimote in order to get through them.

All characters will have mêlée attacks, just like RE4.

to encourage replayablility, each character has strengths and weaknesses, similar to how in RE4:Mercenaries Ada had the least health, Krauser was the slowest, etc.

Just like in RE4:Mercenaries each character has a unique set of weapons. What's more players can only carry 2 weapons at any one time. Chris gets a pistol and shotgun whilst Jill gets a pistol and grenade launcher.

You will be able to find several new weapons during each stage. For example, RE1 will have Richard's shotgun, RE2 will have the Desert Eagle, RE4 will have the Chicago Typewriter. There will also be new weapons like Krauser's anti-personnel robots.

Similar to Devil May Cry 3, after each chapter you can save your data and any new weapons picked up will be available for use in Arcade Mode.

Arcade Mode is like a giant Mercenaries minigame, where you pick a character and stage and blast through it. Building on the resounding success of Mercenaries seen when RE4 was released.

Scenario mode will feature a large number of ingame cutscenes.

New content not in the games that the chapters were based on will be added. The primary goal of this will be to link RE4 and Umbrella's status in it more closely with the rest of the series.

Ammo conservation will play a part in the gameplay, so it's not just constant action like RE4.
info 4

Also, previous rumors was made official.

Four chapters will be available, each chapter will have 2 playable characters
Chapter 1 - BH1 Mansion - Jill and Chris
Chapter 2 - BH2 RPD - Claire and Leon
Chapter 3 - BH3 Racoon City - Jill and Carlos
Chapter 4 - BH4 Village - Leon and Ada

Additional characters can be unlocked by playing the game, such as Rebecca Chambers, Hunk and Albert Wesker

The gameplay will be similar to BH4, use the Wiimote to trigger the over-the-shoulder view, use the nunchuk to fire

All characters will have different weapons and melee attacks like in BH4, you can find additional weapons in the stage

Each character can only carry 2 weapons, such as Chris' pistol and shotgun, and Jill's pistol and grenade launcher

The main game Scenario Mode will have in-game cutscenes, each chapter will have new contents which link to Umbrella's status

There is an Arcade Mode which plays like the BH4 Mercenaries mini game





09-21-2006, 03:33 PM
They need to make Mercenaries multiplayer

09-21-2006, 07:45 PM
RE was so mazing for the cube. I would really liek to see how thenew interactive controller is used with the new RE game(s).