View Full Version : Play One Layer In Flash (Action Script)

07-31-2006, 09:11 PM
Working on a mini-project for myself in my down time from myself. I got everything figured out except one problem. I need help with the Action Script in flash, so far what I have is once scene and eight Layers:


For the scripts of all the eight layers except the background is just:

so the scene dosen't auto play when the when the webpage loads up. Then next code I have is on the actualy Buttons (Converted from Bitmap to Button):

on (rollOver){
this is so when you rollover with your mouse it will do it's little trick that it dose. The other code at that I have is on the buttons again, but on frame 15, and what that is:

on (rollOver){

on (rollOut){
This is so when it hits frame 15 it will stop it's little trick and wait for you to get your mouse pointer off the button.

Now what my problem is, is that when you go to put your cursor over one button they all do there little tricks, and what I want them to do is just which one you put it over to play, not all of them. So I know what I need to do is make them play by layers, but how do I do that?

EDIT: If you would like to see what I mean go to:

08-01-2006, 07:21 PM
What if you use text, does it still have the same side-effect?

08-19-2006, 05:57 AM
you can't make individual layers play

you have to make them into movieclips and tell them to play individualy