View Full Version : Ti500 volt mods?...

02-27-2003, 08:13 AM
I'd like to know what value resistors are used to v~mod the Ti500's core and memory, from what I've found the original Gf3 used 2x 820ohm for mem and 1x 510ohm for core, but the Ti500 article I read (both same site Tweaktown) stated using 1kohms for all three, BUT showed a pic of a 510 resistor on the v~core picture!...

SO!, I'm slightly confused. I can't work out the equation for which resistor value to use to achieve what voltage because I don't understand all the symbols used mean, the / for one. If they used good old mulitiplyed by and minus and plus and divded I'd be on track...

HELP PLEASE!! :) ...